Every year, SIRI hosts the International Education Forum (IUF). The purpose of this forum is to inform about changes in rules and practices, which has an impact on foreign exchange students’ possibility to enter and stay in Denmark. In addition to this, it is also possible to share knowledge, experiences and wishes on the matter.

The International Education Forum (IUF) concerns 2-3 current topics that are presented by both internal and external speakers. Additionally, a general discussion on the chosen topics is typically followed by workshops.

The International Education Forum (IUF) has a special focus on:

  • The specific procedures concerning admission of international students at the educational institutions, and the following application process for either a residence permit or a EU residence document for students from the EU
  • Securing an ongoing collaboration between relevant authorities
  • Important trends concerning the development of practice and administration within the field
  • The educational institutions’ responsibility to communicate the rules to the international students.


The International Education Forum (IUF) is aimed at educational institutions in Denmark that accepts international students. The participants come from different educational institutions, and in addition to this, participants from other relevant authorities also take part in the forum. The International Education Forum (IUF) takes place once a year, typically during February, and its location alternates between West Denmark (Jylland) and East Denmark (Sjælland). 

Future events

In order to receive an invitation to the International Education Forum (IUF), you can write to iuf@siri.dk and thereby get added on to the mailing list.

Write to iuf@siri.dk

By signing up to the mailing list, you are also giving your consent to let SIRI process data about you (your email address). This is necessary in order for us to send you information and invitations. You can unsubscribe to the mailing list and withdraw you consent by writing to iuf@siri.dk.

You can read more about how SIRI process personal data concerning registration to different events