Published 30-11-2023

Information to Belarusian citizens in Denmark

On 4 September 2023, Belarus has issued a decree denying the country’s consulates to issue, renew or extend Belarusian nationality passports. This means Belarusian citizens have to go to Belarus to obtain, renew or extend their nationality passport. Below you can read about some of the possibilities you may have, as a Belarusian citizen in Denmark, to get a convention or alien’s passport from the Danish Immigration Service.

If you are a Belarusian citizen with residence permit on another ground than asylum – e.g. as a family reunified spouse or as an employee, you are not entitled to get an alien’s passport from the Immigration Service, just because of your residence permit. In such cases, you can only get an alien’s passport if you can document that you are not able to get a Belarusian nationality passport. If you have to travel back to Belarus in order to get a Belarusian nationality passport we will refer you to do so.

If you have to apply for an extension of your residence permit on the grounds of e.g. family reunification and your Belarusian nationality passport has expired, the same terms apply as described above.

When we process an application for an alien’s passport or an extension of your residence permit, we cannot take legal conditions regarding asylum into consideration.

If you believe that you unable to go back to Belarus due to legal conditions regarding asylum, you can apply for asylum. Read more about the requirements for asylum and how to apply

If you are a Belarusian citizen with a residence permit on the grounds of asylum or you are family reunified with a parent, who has asylum, you are entitled to get a convention or alien’s passport depending on your type of residence permit.

Read more about convention and alien’s passports

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