Published 01-05-2018

New residence scheme for retired foreigners

Foreigners, who have lived in Denmark for an extended period of time as an employee of an international organisation, can now stay in the country after they have retired. That is the result of new legislation passed by the Danish Parliament on 19 April 2018.

There are a number of requirements that need to be met in order to get a residence permit with the new scheme. Among other things it is a requirement that the foreigner has turned 60 years old, is retired and no longer holds employment. Besides that, the foreigner must have held residence in Denmark for more than 12 years on the grounds of his/her employment with an international organisation, EU institution or the like. Finally it is a requirement that the foreigner has an attachment to Denmark, isn’t receiving public financial benefits, has certain Danish language skills and is able to post a financial guarantee.

Accompanying family members in the form of spouses, partners and minor children can, if certain requirements are met, also get a residence permit with the new scheme.

The residence scheme comes into effect on the 1 May 2018

Read more about the scheme

Further information with press co-ordinator Nils Bak at mobile +45 41 30 66 80 or e-mail

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