On this page you will find links to selected Danish legislation concerning immigration available in English. More extensive links can be found on the Danish version of this page.

Not all legislation in English are available in the most current version. Please refer to the Danish version of this page for link to the current versions in Danish.


Aliens (Consolidation) Act (No. 239 of 10 March 2019) (former version of the Aliens Act. Please refer to the Danish version of this page for link to the current version in Danish)

Executive orders

Executive Order on the issue of residence and work permits for students (No. 945 of 1 September 2006 as amended by Act No. 89 of 30 January 2007) (former version of the executive order. Please refer to the Danish version of this page for link to the current version in Danish)

Executive Order on Aliens’ Access to Denmark on the Basis of a Visa (No. 1454 of 25 November 2022)


Guidelines on the Processing of Applications for Visas for Denmark (No. 9565 of 28 June 2021)