If you have any questions or suggestions to improve newtodenmark.dk, you are welcome to contact the editors. you can contact us by using the contact form for technical support and choose the subject 'newtodenmark.dk'.

The editors can answer questions regarding newtodenmark.dk and can help you use newtodenmark.dk.

If your inquiry contains personal data you must be aware that the Danish Immigration Service may store these data. Read more about your rights, how we process your data and the General Data Protection Regulation

Other enquiries

If you have questions about a concrete case or about the rules regarding residence permits etc., you should contact the relevant authority.

If your enquiry is regarding family reunification, asylum, short-term visa, permanent residence permit or residence permit/visa stay in the Faroe Islands or Greenland, you should contact the Danish Immigration Service.

If your enquiry is regarding residence and work permits, residence permits for students, au pairs or interns, or working holiday, you should contact the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI).

If the editors of newtodenmark.dk receives questions about a concrete case or about the rules regarding residence permits etc., the e-mail will be forwarded to the relevant authority.